S Marketing Online

Why You May Want to Rethink Data, Privacy, and Content

You might actually want to rethink your data, privacy as well as content. Having unwanted social media exposure is a huge concern when it comes to digital privacy. Protecting data that is personal is a big thing for everyone in the online world. There are changing privacy laws that are making merchants be more transparent with their customers. Protecting personal data is something we all need to be concerned with. There are so many ways in which our privacy can be breached.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although remaining compliant with new regulations should impel e-commerce business people to work towards transparency, there are more important concerns as well.
  • Keeping faith with those that offer up their private information should be at the root of each business’s desire to keep data concerns front and center.
  • Even innocuous media postings can leak important information and start business nightmares.

“With health insurers peeking at our online activities and AI algorithms analyzing online behaviors to assign everything from article preferences to loan or job suitability to prison sentences, protecting personal data is something everyone should be concerned with.”

Read more: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/08/data-privacy-content/