S Marketing Online

The Important Role Video Plays In SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is an area of marketing strategy that has seen exponential growth in the last few years. One of the reasons this marketing strategy has seen such interest is because of the sheer number of internet users today. With billions of users online looking at pictures, blogs, and videos it’s important to know how these things interact with your business. One part of an online business that is extremely important for revenue generation is traffic flow. The use of a video can increase traffic flow by as much as 1.5x while also increasing the chance of back-links, as long as it incorporated correctly. A few key points to look out for when adding a video are the quality, the purpose of the video, and wherein the page you are going to place it.

Key Takeaways:

  • People are increasingly using online video websites such as youtube to learn about particular products and make purchasing decisions.
  • Good videos can significantly increase traffic to your website organically.
  • It is important to decide how video should be embedded in a web page for market purposes.

“One thing is certain, the better a video is incorporated into the design of the website, the better the chances of getting SEO results.”

Read more: https://www.rushprnews.com/2018/08/26/the-important-role-video-plays-in-seo/