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Location-Based Data is Helping Marketers Personalize the Customer Experience

Customers today don’t just want an app that works. They want an app or website that is personalized to save them time, recognizes their interests or preferences, and one that does those things seamlessly, without them even realizing it. Today, more and more companies are realizing that true competitive advantage lies in creating an engaging customer experience one that is personal, fast, easy, and useful. The only problem: many companies are not quite sure how to create it. By using advanced analytics, companies can make better use of their customer and user experiences, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty in the long term.

Key Takeaways:

  • Want to gauge how marketers are using location-based data to their advantage? Use a welcoming campaign and see if it helps to open that market base.
  • Personalizing your welcoming campaign makes your customers feel included in what you are selling. What better way to get people?
  • Narrow your customer base to a select few who are going to be loyal to what you want or need to sell. It allows you to focus your campaign.

“Marketers have an abundance of data at their fingertips, and new research suggests that those who use location-based information on their customers may improve the outcome of their campaigns.”

Read more: https://komarketing.com/industry-news/location-based-data-is-helping-marketers-personalize-the-customer-experience-3714/