S Marketing Online

Is Your Brand Breaking the Law on Social Media?

Even though many of the successful people in the world say it is better to ask for forgiveness later than it is permission, when it comes to using another’s copyrighted images that may not be the best idea. Doing so could have serious legal consequences. Whether it is someone’s photograph, music or any other signature work, ask them for written permission to use it. In this day and age of technology, It is easier than ever to check to see if a copyright has been misused.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensuring that you are taking the steps for your content to be legal can be crucial.
  • Content creators have a lot of tools these days to be able to find things that are used when they are not supposed to.
  • Understanding that you need permission before you can use certain images, or ideas, is very important.

“Don’t assume use of your brand’s hashtag equates permission to reuse the image.”

Read more: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/10/law-social-media/