S Marketing Online

How to Create LinkedIn Video Ads

LinkedIn offers many different tools to help bring attention to a product or service, and can specifically help reach a specific type of audience you wish to find. One of these tools is the video creator. You can use the video creator to create ads for your business, or maybe even a testimonial video. These videos allow you to engage your targeted consumers and possibly get them to become leads, and then buyers. LinkedIn makes it easy to keep track of your video archive of ads and videos. After videos are uploaded, LinkedIn offers statistics on the videos, such as impressions.

Key Takeaways:

  • When starting a video ad campaign, the best first step is to determine your target audience.
  • Utilize the LinkedIn Technical Guidelines when making your videos, in order to stay above board.
  • After creating your ad campaign in the LinkedIn interface, duplicate it to target different audiences.

“Video ads must be in a horizontal orientation. LinkedIn doesn’t support vertical video.”

Read more: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/linkedin-video-ads/