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How Talent Managers Can Help Clients and Candidates Master Digital Skills

Digital skills need to be increased in individuals seeking jobs and those currently employed who want to keep their jobs. The majority of business tasks are moving to digital completion. Talent managers have the need to keep both companies who hire their talented candidates happy with future hires and the need to keep the candidates’ digital skills strong enough to survive in their future jobs for a lengthy tenure. The answer to both needs is reskilling and upskilling of candidate’s digital-based abilities. The best way to begin this process is with teaching candidates digital marketing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Talent managers need to recognize the need for digital skills within their workforce.
  • Find ways to train employees with appropriate professional development strategies to increase digital skills.
  • As the environment changes, employees need to be reskilled or upskilled to meet the demands of a technological society.

“From knowing how to send a persuasive email, to creating a social media account and a Google ad campaign, using the internet today naturally demands certain skills in digital marketing.”

Read more: https://www.onlinemarketinginstitute.org/blog/2018/07/talent-managers-can-help-clients-candidates-master-digital-skills/