S Marketing Online

How One Small Change Got Our Video 13,000,000 More Views On Facebook

There is a lot of debate going right now about different generations of people; specifically millennials. The older generations always have pride in themselves and think of their generation as better than all others. Having a video is very marketable in that it both older and younger folks would watch it. It was expected that it would get views but surprisingly it got as many as it did. It has great content.

Key Takeaways:

  • Content is still key, but realizing the content context is also huge.
  • The concept of “Third Circle” was used in the Book Of Business Awesome/UnAwesome to explain how things truly go viral.
  • Getting people who already love your content to react to it isn’t the challenge.

“Content is still key, but realizing the content context is also huge. Where people are consuming it, why they think they should and how they were referred to it plays a huge part.”

Read more: http://www.unmarketing.com/2017/03/02/so-many-views/#more-3268