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Does WooCommerce Fit B2B Companies?

WooCommerce is a fast-growing platform that is better suited to B2C companies than B2B companies. WooCommerce and WordPress have a lot of security concerns. WooCommerce is very simple and can’t be customized in ways that a lot of B2B companies need, such as a non-standard checkout or multiple users per account. There is not very good support available for it, meaning a user might have to pay for external support services. WooCommerce is especially not suited to larger companies as it doesn’t scale very well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Increase in traffic to a free host site can be a problem if the site receives too much traffic.
  • Don’t pick a platform based on cost, get one based on performance.
  • Woocommerce has extensions to make the website function within specific guidelines.

“As a website grows — with more visitors, products, orders, and customers — its speed and performance cannot suffer.”

Read more: https://www.practicalecommerce.com/woocommerce-fit-b2b-companies