S Marketing Online

Best tools for monitoring backlinks

It is important for a website to have the right links and working in the favor. Google search results are a do or die for any marketing campaign. When it comes to marketing it is essential to utilize every option made available with advanced technology. These tools that optimize every facet of their objective is key. In 2018 and beyond the websites that learn to adapt will thrive.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are several SEO monitoring tools for the backlinks of your websites (Ahrefs, Majestic SEO, SEO PowerSuite, Linkody, Kerboo, Monitor Backlinks).
  • Monitoring the quality of the backlinks of your competitors are just as important as building your own.
  • These tools will improve your sites overall ranking and improve your chances of being found when the proper keywords are searched.

“If not monitored properly, the presence of bad quality links on the website can ruin the online reputation of the site as it can be identified as a black hat SEO move.”

Read more: https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/09/05/89485/