S Marketing Online

Email Marketing an Efficient Way to Promote Business

Gone is the way of promoting things through email. Nowadays promotions are more prevalent through social media. However, email marketing is much more useful. Over 90% of people check their email daily. With smartphone being connected to the internet people are more likely to check their email on the go. They get a new email and are able to check it right away. The consumer does not have to look through there social media to find any promotions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Email marketing can be more effective and personal than social media marketing.
  • Email marketing is more efficient, reaches more people, and provides a better click-through rate.
  • 95% of internet customers have an email account, and of those, 91% check their emails daily.

“Moreover, an increasing number of bloggers are making use of email marketing nowadays.”

Read more: http://fullseoeducation.blogspot.com/2018/05/email-marketing-efficient-way-to.html