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9 Things We Learned About Content Marketing Best Practice From 6,000 Blogs

In the complex field of content marketing, it can be challenging to determine best practices and remain competitive. However, a team conducted research to determine what industry experts are suggesting, based on an analysis of over 6,000 texts about digital marketing. The results of the study were then split into two result groups: statistics of standard practices and frequently asked questions. The research provided results about content length, use of keywords in garnering attention in a headline, readability, and use of hashtags. Ultimately, this research may be utilized to guide digital marketers in content creation and presentation for better results.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s important to take notice of the surrounding environment and analyze where you stand within it.
  • The average length of a typical article is important because it helps you determine whether you want to stand out or blend in.
  • After observing the average compiled stats, you can compare your own statistics to determine where you stand within the market, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

“The hashtag #socialmedia was used more often than any others when discussing digital marketing on Twitter.”

Read more: https://www.jeffbullas.com/content-marketing-best-practice/