S Marketing Online

7 Top Tips to help your small business find success online

User friendliness is essential to making sure your customers can go to your website and find exactly what they are looking for. Build a site, that is both tailored to the needs of your customers and also gives them a pleasurable browsing experience. Promoting yourself is another important step in a successful business. Set goals for your business to accomplish each day. Each goal you complete, focus a little more on exposure. Engage with your customers on every platform at every level. Do what you need to, to get them talking about how great you are – all the time. Make sure you’re consistent with your quality and your service. Make sure a customer can contact your business with their problem fast and effectively. More important than that though, is to make sure their problem gets solved with ease. Latency, slow loading images, and even poor phone compatibility all turn customers away.

Key Takeaways:

  • The most important part of a website is the user experience. It should not only look professional but also be professional.
  • Your advertising and marketing budget will go much further if you are able to pinpoint your target market.
  • The images on your website need to be inspirational. They can’t just be normal everyday photos on a white background.

“Competition is tough, it requires both technical and business savvy, and you need to work much harder to gain trust.”

Read more: http://www.bytestart.co.uk/7-tips-small-business-success-online.html