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3 Purpose-Marketing Lessons From Innovative Brands

Utilize data to join cultural conversations. Data is critical to making informed decisions, be it business strategy, marketing angles, or purposeful branded social impact. Leverage technology to shift consumer behavior. Habits are formed because of convenience and human storytelling to deepen emotional resonance. While what you say is important, when it comes to making a memorable impression in a short amount of time, how you say it is equally critical. Personal storytelling is a powerful way to bring consumers up close and talk about issues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Not every retailer would take such an aggressive stance on a politically charged issue.
  • Cause-related marketing typically describes a company’s support for a cause, often within a defined campaign that might involve a nonprofit partner.
  • If your customers’ selection of or use of your product and services have made an impact, calculate and share how much it has meant to the cause.

“Some people use the terms purpose-driven marketing and cause-related marketing interchangeably. I think of purpose-driven marketing as the more encompassing term, which revolves around a company’s greater purpose”

Read more: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/07/purpose-marketing-brands/