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2019 B2B Content Marketing Research: It Pays to Put Audience First

Business to business marketing is nothing new, but it is a bit more of a novel concept to some business leaders and owners. Content marketing is often thought of as a way to land end-user consumers, but the same techniques and methods that entice recreational web surfers and social media users can attract the attention of business minded people. B2B content marketing can direct them to get in touch with you, funnel them into your business for their needs, and help bolster your bottom line.

Key Takeaways:

  • Content marketing in ten years has gone from being a novel concept to common practice for marketers.
  • Top performers in content marketing put audience’s information needs ahead of the company’s sales message, incidentally finding that this increases trust.
  • The 2019 B2B Content Marketing report covers advice on earning trust, talking to customers more, choosing content types, and algorithm changes, as well as spending trends and marketers’ reports.

“In short, if you want your brand to be well-regarded by your audience, give it something valuable. Be consistent. Be easy to find. Give your audience members content they want and need – when and where they’re looking for it. And make it about them, not you.”

Read more: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/10/research-b2b-audience/