How Participation Marketing Elevates Your Social Media Strategy

Participation marketing is activating your employees to be storytellers and using their stories to tell about your brand. There is credible research like a research report from the Boston Consulting Group that shows that recommendation by peers drives business value. You can use an employee-driven content strategy to tell stories. In this method, employees can […]
How To Double Your Website Traffic And Rank Higher On Google In 5 Simple Steps

Ranking higher on Google doesn’t have to be expensive and is very valuable. Ranking high on Google is important because a major part of global desktop research traffic comes from Google. Therefore, to get your web content and landing pages seen by people on the web, you need to optimize them by ranking high on […]
3 SEO Reasons to Have a Business Blog

There are reasons and ways for business owners to increase their web presence. This piece outlines a strategy to increase public awareness and company profits by using internet algorithms advantageously. By keeping regularly active and targeting your material, through the use of a blog, a business owner can increase traffic to their site. Using already […]
The 5 essential skills every startup founder needs to have

To break into this modern-era with a successful startup you need more than great general knowledge or an ungodly work ethic. First, you have to develop a strategy and business model. Second, web development skills. Third, a hand with money for proper bookkeeping and accounting. Fourth, making defining choices with critical thinking skills and a […]
Video Marketing for Service Businesses

Video reaches out to different learning styles like by reading, by demonstration and by hearing. Some people learn better by reading something, still others by seeing something demonstrated or hearing about it. That’s the main reason it has become so popular and it is one of the most effective ways to market content. Videos like […]
How to Manage Your Business’s Online Reputation in 2018

Any business can be affected by positive and negative reviews online. No matter what your business is, from medical offices to small businesses, you should pay attention to and manage your online reputation. Doctors can generate referrals and politicians can get more voters. Restaurants can bring in more diners and small businesses can generate more […]
5 Ways to Target B2B Customers Through Email Marketing

People are getting sick of how easy it is for marketers to contact them in the world of social media. There are few ways to make emailing people for marketing purposes better, such as not flooding their email with tons of unnecessary mail, personalizing their content to fit their viewer, and using drip campaigns. Other […]
9 Top Marketing Trends for 2018

The year 2017 was a good year for B2B marketers and 2018 is on track for being just as good, especially if you follow the trends. Large influencers are less important than marketing to a wider audience of micro-influencers, especially when using the right content for engagement. Other trends such as using AI, voice technologies […]
How to Use Instagram for Business Marketing

Instagram is the latest frontier in a series of platforms to take up the mantle of the best place to expand your brand. Fortunately, it was started as just a social media application but it has expanded to something where posts can be made on daily basis. There are tools to easily tag shops while […]
How to Use Your Website to Qualify Prospects and Win Clients

Using website design to win over clients is very important. Proper web design can improve the chances of winning new clients and maintaining current ones. It is geared mostly toward professional services firms, such as financial advisory groups and accounting firms. One of the keys to proper design is having a user-friendly interface that allows […]