How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy

New investors want to get up to speed about the right content marketing strategy. There are all new approaches that can be taken with content marketing itself. Expect to generate a lot of new content and attract all new visitors to the fold. A content marketing strategy can be used as people see fit. Create […]
16 Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media Marketing

Social media is very important for internet marketing. social media is a great platform for reaching many people and customers and it can really increase your web traffic. It also builds relationships with your audience, enables you to target a specific group, builds brand awareness. Social media marketing shows how to directly increase sales as […]
Google’s “Mentioned on Wikipedia” Rich Snippets. Can You Promote Yourself on Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is ubiquitous. It is the world’s encyclopedia, containing plenty of credible and not so credible entries. While the site relies completely on donations instead of ad-space, you as a company can use this place to make your presence and ad-content larger. Start with the page and build out your content. Tell the story that […]
What is Online Marketing?

Marketing has always been an important part of running a successful business. In this day and age, it is important to reach target audiences by using online mediums. There are several options for reaching an online market. Including but not limited to, PPC or pay per click, SEO or search engine optimization, email marketing, and […]
30 Tips for Great Digital Marketing

Through advertising in search results, improving your website, optimizing your web presences for search engines to find, and policing the social media accounts of your business you can reach more customers. When advertising, use relevant tags and make offers customers want. When improving your site and other web presences, introduce metadata and include relevant information […]
How to Leverage Twitter Lists for B2B Digital Marketing

Twitter lists might prove to be an important attribute for many. B2B digital marketing will be a popular request to make in full. Check out the Twitter lists and how they can be used in time. There is a blog post that can leverage Twitter lists to do just that overall. B2B digital marketing is […]
Have Realistic Expectations for SEO Success

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is only one of many ways that people can use to help make their websites successful. It is important to have realistic expectations of the SEO you choose to avoid feeling unwarranted disappointment. For example, a quality SEO company does not operate under time restraints and often times, […]
5 Ways to Make the Payment Process Easy for Online Customers

Now that we are living in the digital age, more people are turning to the internet to make many, if not most, of their purchases online. There are five ways in which you can make the payment process easy for online customers. The following are those five ways: offer multiple payment options, offer a consistent […]
8 Marketing Tactics & Apps That Turn Online Shop Visitors into Buyers [Infographic]

After putting the work into attracting visitors to your website, you want to convert those visitors into customers. There are technologies available to you to help you do this. You can use emails, including those that remind shoppers what is in their carts. You can run contests and encourage referrals. You can also work on […]
3 Hard Moves Entrepreneurs Must Make

Entrepreneurs must overcome their fear of failure by confronting problems immediately and by following some basic principles. They must understand the needs of their existing customers while concurrently considering the types of customers they want to attract. They must not be afraid to ask for help, whether it is through IT support to create a […]