Social Media Marketing for Beginners: 10 Creative Ways to Stand Out Online [Infographic]

Creative is key in making your Social Media presence stand out from your competition. Your media exposure can be improved through these ten simple techniques to strategize the marketing of your product or service to your customers, fans, and followers via social media. Keeping posts short, precise, dynamic and media-rich with fresh profile pics and […]
Email Marketing an Efficient Way to Promote Business

Gone is the way of promoting things through email. Nowadays promotions are more prevalent through social media. However, email marketing is much more useful. Over 90% of people check their email daily. With smartphone being connected to the internet people are more likely to check their email on the go. They get a new email […]
Why are so many firms so bad at social media?

There’s a growing trend of bad press in the way some social media firms are expressing themselves on certain social media channels. These firms aren’t properly handling their social media accounts on sites such as twitter and facebook. This is leading to bad press with these companies which lowers their prestige and overall public attitude […]
How to Start an Online Marketing Business

There are a lot of positions in the world for people who can do effective marketing. In this century though, with everything going online, there is a high demand for people with marketing experience who are web savvy. The crossroads of these two fields are the new field of Internet Marketing Specialists. Internet Marketing Specialists […]
The Beginners Guide To Online Marketing

Online marketing could change the way that many people earn an income. They want to build an online network of changes that will take place in good time. Read through an introduction that will help anyone understand the concept. Online marketing is poised to lead the way in the future for many investors. Get on […]
Why Influencer Engagement is Important in Digital Marketing

An influencer is someone who has recognition and respect in their role – especially in online roles on social media (including, but not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube). Influencers have the attention of their followers, and can, therefore, build their own brand off of their platform of influence. For one, it’s a great marketing […]
Why You Should Use Chatbots for Facebook Messenger Marketing

Chatbots are causing massive disruption across all industries, from acquiring pension scheme leads to offering beauty tips, and anywhere in-between. The novelty of chatbots has had a great impact on consumers, allowing them to experience businesses in a completely new way through AI-driven conversational robots. By taking over from humans at suitable points, these chatbot […]
7 Timeless Internet Marketing Strategies (That You Should Know About)

There are 7 marketing strategies that any individual can use to market their online business and increase sales and business. These strategies are also ones that have proven to be timeless in the world of ever-evolving technology. These strategies include blogging, Linkbait, guest posting, video creation, hosting webinars, content syndication and podcasting. These are all […]
Digital Marketing is a Necessity

Digital marketing is a valuable service that everyone wants to follow through on soon. Some say that digital marketing is actually a necessity for many people too. Digital marketing could make all the difference for those that follow the service. Weigh the advantages and think through the important discussion points in good time as well. […]
How Do You Set Smart SEO Goals for Your Team/Agency/Project? – Whiteboard Friday

In order to have better SEO goals, you have to understand what you are trying to achieve. Start with the company goals. Then you want to switch to marketing goals and how marketing can help you achieve said company goals. The SEO goals come next and they will help funnel and categorize or target different […]